Air purifying plants that you'll be obsessed with

I  love air purifying plants, they have taken half of my heart. There are more than you can think of a number of plants, but today I'm going to share with you  5 special plants which I take more of a liking to, and you will be obsessed with them by the end of this post, not only because of their significant beauty but also their benefits to our home.

1.  Epipremnum aureum - Money plant

Epipremnum aureum, or  Devil's ivy, commonly known as money plant, is an extremely adorable masterpiece in your space. 

The best thing about this plant is that it is an air purifier and it is an easy maintenance plant, for any new beginner.

Baby Devil's ivy hanging down

2.Sansevieria trifasciata - Mother-in-law's plant

Definitely, a must-have one, a mother-in-law's tongue plant or any category from the sansevieria plants, are the prettiest plant decor, their snake-like leaves have a smooth look and a tall appearance, which gives an inexpressible look of beauty. 

strait and healthy snake plant 

3. Aglaonema - Chinese evergreens

Commonly known as Chinese evergreen, known for its bright-colored leaves that vary from flamingo pink, and cherry color to silvery green, being a low light tolerant plant, but a bright light thriver. A well-known house plant that shares the same property as a snake plant, again being a significant air purifier. 

Green colored Chinese evergreen

4. Aloe vera

Aloes are my favorite from the all above,
they are succulents that specifically grow in hot and dry climates, native to the Arabian peninsula. They are cactus - succulents that are chubby and cute with plenty of skin healing properties, often used in skin moisturizers.

healthy aloe with thick leaves.

5. Spathiphyllum - Peace lily

Just from those white flowers, you'll know that you need an air-purifying peace lily.

blooming white peace lilies.
