Why Do Ants Come To My Plants And How Can I Help My Plant?

 Ants don't only bite us and make us swollen, they also create havoc in our plants.

Photo by Sandhiya R on Unsplash

Generally, ants don't make massive changes in improving or ruining our plants, but they can sometimes be mischief-makers.

Why Do Ants Come To My Plants?

There are a few reasons why they suddenly or gradually appear, the first one being they aid pests such as mealybugs and aphids.

Why Do Ants Aid Pests And What Relationship Do They Share?

Most pests such as aphids and mealybugs aren't able to survive without ants, except for seldom cases but otherwise, they are often consumed by other garden insects like ladybugs.

Since aphids are vulnerable to their predators they are farmed by fellow ants and surprisingly they both share a 'contract'. These atrocious plant suckers feed on plant juices so they excrete a liquid called honeydew which is a luscious drink for ants. Ants farm them and they treat the ants with their honeydew.
As friendly as this relationship sounds it causes multiple issues for our poor plants, in fact, the plant would be in a fatal condition.
Remember not to kill the ants in any condition because they are only providing you a message to take deeper concern of, which is pests. Read this helpful post to know why you shouldn't kill ants but find the main cause to why they appear.

Do Ants Get Affected By Rainy Weather Changes?

Photo by Mike Kotsch on Unsplash

The answer is yes! Ants are very protective of their eggs and get highly triggered when disturbed so try not to trample or provoke them. They usually move their eggs for protection and when they sense weather changes, which means that they will try to sneak into dry areas when the weather is wet because it soaks their tiny nests up and they need a secure shelter.
You might notice on rainy days colonies of ants entering your home and poking their eggs under your house plant's pots. This is quite upsetting however the plant can be helped in a few steps.

 How Can I Help My  Sick Plant?

Well as previously mentioned the pests are the cause so make sure to follow these simple remedies to kill the pests and the ants will automatically disappear. Read this post to know how to apply and use them for your sick plants.

1. Soap water solution

2. spices

3. citrus spray
